So one of my fellow designer recently posted this:


Basically one of his client saidthis

Using repetitive layout patterns in app design in order to improve learnability is just an excuse for being lazy at creativity.

And that raises an interesting question (for me anyway): just what is “Creativity”, anyway?

Now I’m not talking about its literal definition, we all have our own intepretation of what it is. I’m talking about how we – the people in the design community – perceive it.

Graphic designers, product designers, illustrators, painters, UI/UX designers, visual GFX artists, game artists etc. we’re own thrown into the same blanket category: “Creatives” they call us. But that word, Creativity, it’s not the same thing for all of us.

For graphic designers, illustrators, painters…Creativity is a goal, the ultimate destination where you want to take your creations

For UI/UX/Product designers…Creativity is a tool, and as with any other tool, you only wield it to serve a purpose. And in our case, that purpose is Usability.

Think about it, if you’re an artists, a painter, your work doesn’t really serve anyone else but your own creators, and those who follow their visions. The ultimate validation of your works is its creativity.

But as a product designer, your work serves other purposes

In conclusion, to answer the question: is it bad if your creation is not super innovative?

I’d say it depends on the purpose of your creation.

If it’s for show, then yes

If it’s for use, then no.