How it feels going back to freelancing in Vietnam
(artwork by DeeKay@Dribbble)
(artwork by DeeKay@Dribbble)
With the news about Edge switching to a foundation using Chromium a lot of the conversation has centered on browser engines slipping into something of a monoculture. I believe these fears are coming from a good place – a monoculture certainly is not desirable, and a persistent challenge from competitors keeps tech at its best. Compounding this news was also a link floating around stating that Mozilla Firefox was staring at a market share of below 9%. What gives me pause, however, is that much of the advocacy for Firefox seems to stem from the fact that it’s not Chrome. The pure logic of such a strategy is clear, but is it particularly convincing as a technique?
Speaking more broadly for a moment, we as a society apply a lot of pressure on people to do stuff – to save the planet, and make the world a better place, and all the rest of it. Much of it is advocated through what I would describe as almost ‘fear-based’ language – kind of “do x or y will happen” type scenarios. To be fair, much of it is set up that way. There’s no real selfish benefit to e.g recycling, its pretty much about the altruism. In fact, if you read the news, the stakes are pretty high it would seem. For me, the conversation around Firefox strays too close to these heavy ultimatums. I think this kind of conversation is naturally fatiguing, and creates a particularly negative means of ushering new users into the platform – almost as hostages, rather than excited participants.
It’s time we analyse what Firefox does better than Chrome, and sing those praises. For instance, it’s arguably easier to avoid tracking with Firefox if that’s your speed. I’m sure there are other things – does Firefox beat Chrome out for speed? Or is it better featured in some areas? Perhaps Firefox is lacking things; I’ve been using WebSockets a lot recently, and Chrome’s frame-by-frame view of a WebSocket connection is invaluable. As far as I’m aware, Firefox doesn’t have this (yet). These aren’t concrete suggestions, but maybe ideas of where the conversation can go.
I think about Chrome’s usurping of Internet Explorer (IE), and I wonder (antitrust and all aside) would Chrome have usurped IE if it wasn’t for IE stagnating? I remember when I was younger and jumped ship to Chrome – personally, it wasn’t about using Chrome because it wasn’t IE, it was about Chrome beating IE in a foot race and offering me a clean user experience.
Firefox is a fantastic browser, and the need to grow its market share is more pressing than ever. By making people excited to use Firefox rather than wary of using Chrome, I believe we can more effectively galvanise support for Firefox, and improve the health of the browser ‘market’ all round.
So if you live in Vietnam and use Grab, you’re probably aware that they recently ditched GrabPay (their internal payment gateway) for a 3rd party, Vietnamese based solution. While that didn’t come as a surprise since they were pressured by our government for a while already, what did come as a surprise is their choice of provider: Moca.
I thought for sure they were misspelling Momo or something, as it stands they are the largest digital wallet app in Vietnam as we speak, and is an obvious choice if you’re looking for a service like that. Surely Grab, a multi billion dollar company wouldn’t choose a non established name right? But nah, they gonna go with Moca, a name most people have never even heard before in their life. But that’s ok, competition is always good for the end users, provided that the competition is, well, competitive. Let’s go ahead and check them out. A quick google search bring me to their homepage:So as I was watching the official announcement of Flutter 1.0, I once again notice that all of their typographic designs used in their product used that same font: Product Sans. It’s slick, I have to have it.
Unfortunately the only thing that Google has on its official website is basically a short message saying ‘Nah, you can’t have it, mofo’
But in all my years as a graphic designer, I’ve never let something as trivial as a licensing statement from a multi-billion dollar company deter me from trying to get my sticky fingers on the font.
So here we are:
Ok I’m gonna give an honest list of the best software to use in each category in MY unbiased experience. What I mean by unbiased is that I will pick a software base solely on the overall user experience that it provides (functionality AND aesthetic), REGARDLESS of whether it’s Free software or not. Most other list will either be sponsored or heavily biased toward free software, and since there’s only one or two decent software in each category, you’ll end up seeing pretty much the same list over and over again, year in and year out.
It’s not that I don’t support free software, quite the contrary I’m actually a huge supporter of free software (why else would a graphic designer like me use Linux as his primary working platform). But I’m also aware that for a platform like Linux to gain traction in the end-user market, it needs support from software developers. Yes, all of them, even proprietary software. After all, you can only reasonably expect a program to function correctly if the developer behind it has the incentive to make it better.
Onto the list, my choices are based on the following criterias: function, aesthetic, and performance.
Here we go
List that are Freeassed will tell you about Ubuntu, Mint or Fedora
I’ve used quite a lot of different distros in my time. Off the top of my head, I’ve used Ubuntu, Mint, elementaryOS, Majaro, Arch, Fedora, Zorin. You can see there’s no Gentoo, Red Hat or CentOS in my line up. That’s because I’m not a power Linux user, I only choose distros that boast userfriendliness, aimed at the end user, with pretty interfaces. And judging by the criterias, Deepin OS takes the trophy.
I remember some 15-16 years ago, when Vietkey Linux – the first ‘Vietnamese’ operating system hit the mass. Yes it was simply a reskin of Red Hat, with little change under the hood, but it got me into liking the platform. Back then, the UI of Linux in general, compares to its contemporary counterpart Windows XP, was nothing short of a massive pile of steaming garbage. And then Ubuntu came along with its sweet streamlined interface and Compiz-powered effects. I was completely blown away.
Fast forward 16 years later, when pretty much everything on the market more or less has a good UI, I didn’t expect to get that sensation again, but then I did, when I installed Deepin OS.
To be honest, my expectation for the distro was low, mostly due to my previous experience with a Chinese distro called Red Flag Linux, yes I do realize the irony of the name. But the Deepin experience wasn’t like Red Flag, but more like MIUI. It’s clean, it’s fresh, packed with little touches that indicates there was involvement from real UI/UX/IxD designers. Unlike most Chinese product, Deepin didn’t feel like a copied and pasted product, because it’s not. The overall user experience is very pleasant (except for the setting sidebar, I mean, who brilliant UX designer was it that think people want the settings they’re changing to disappear everytime they click outside the window?)
Overall. I rate this a 10/10, the first time I ever rate a distro this high. Meaning this is a mature product, complete and ready to compete with the likes of Windows and Mac. It’s currently my production platform.
List that are Freeassed will tell you about OpenOffice and LibreOffice.
Yet another software from China, by now some people must be think I might be a commie. Well I actually am, but that’s not why I choose WPS Office. I choose it simply because it is THE best office suite for Linux, in every way. LibreOffice is based on OpenOffice, this massive pile of Java code that is both fugly and sluggish. WPS on the other hand is responsive, good looking, has great compatibility (it saves as microsoft file format instead of its own), AND portability (1GB of cloud storage means you can access your file anywhere, anytime instead of worrying about forgetting to hit Ctrl-S.
Overall, the only reason why WPS hadn’t dominate the Linux office world yet is because a lot of people still use Office for idealistic reasons rather than focusing on productivity reason (and also, many people don’t trust Chinese softwares, much less storing sensitive files on their cloud). They are all valid reason, but for me, WPS is the office suite of choice.
List that are Freeassed will say it’s the GIMP
As one of the longest supporter of the GNU Image Manipulation Program, it makes me sad that the software had lagged so far behind. For a while, it was considered a Photoshop ‘alternative’, and some still calls it that, but we all know that’s not the case anymore. While the offering from Adobe has received a crapton of new features over the years due to their massive resources, our beloved GIMP still look and feel like the same guy we use 10 years ago. Even the image editor that comes with K-Office: Krita beat the GIMP in every aspects. Maybe it’s time we let it rest.
Krita on the other hands had seen massive improvements over the years. It now has the UI of a professional image editor, something that the GIMP couldn’t accomplished after decades of development.
List that are Freeassed will say it’s Inkscape
Don’t get me wrong, Inkscape is a heavy contender. The gap between Inkscape and AI is far smaller than the gap between GIMP and PS. And yet I still have to choose a web based app over it due to its ease of use, its beautiful aesthetic, and portability (storing files on the cloud ftw!)
List that are Freeassed will have no idea what it is.
Screen design tool is a new software segment, one that didn’t exist just a few years ago. I myself didn’t even know of their existence until Adobe released their Adobe XD a few years ago. Yes I know that was already pretty late since Adobe themselves were late to the game, XD hit the market as a response to Sketch’s popularity. Like I said in a previous blog post, I believe that despite its massive popularity, Sketch’s days are numbered, killed by free cross-platform tools like Adobe XD and Figma.
Figma is not the best screen design tool on Linux, nor it is the best screen design tool on the web. It is THE best screen design tool, across all platform, period. Everything you do, you do directly on the cloud, you don’t ever have to worry about hitting Ctrl+S ever again!
Sketch, Adobe XD, Figma. If you’re a screen designer of any calibre, surely you’ve heard of at least one of these tools. They’re currently the 3 biggest players in the screen design tool arena.
– Features: being the oldest tool means it has a very healthy ecosystem with a plethora of plugins
– Availability: being a Mac exclusive app means it’s only a matter of time before it’s erased from the market.
– Speed: Sketch is snappy when it comes to opening a file, but viewport stability decreases drastically when navigating around a large project.
– Price: like every other Mac apps, this shit cost money. If you’re a solo creator, this app is currently more expensive than the other 2 combined times infinity.
Adobe XD:
– Adobe Ecosystem: being tied to the biggest creativity toolset on the market is a huge!
– Price: it used to cost money, but it’s free now (undoubted in an effort to accelerate the construction of Sketch’s coffin)
– Availability: Adobe has a bit more advantage over Sketch in term of platform availability, given that it works on both Windows and OS X. A common misconception is that the majority of the design community works on OS X, that’s only true in North America and Europe. If you count globally, you’ll see that most companies operating in the outsourcing sector (India, APAC) still uses Windows as the primary operating system. Some statistics currently put Sketch at over 70% dominance, but if you count the actual product output (which is huge in the outsourcing sector), I’d suspect that number would drop to somewhere around 30%.
– Adobe Ecosystem: yes, this is both a pro and con for this nifty little app. Being part of a giant company like Adobe certainly has its perk, while we know Adobe has the resources needed to make Adobe a thing, whether or not those resources are allocated correctly is a different story. We all know there’s very little innovation left going on at Adobe, having dominated the market for so long. They’ve also killed off fantastic tools like Freehand and (gasp!) Fireworks!
– Availability consistency: apart from the fact that there’s still no client on Linux (which is not a huge deal, I say this as a designer who uses Linux, I know there’s not that many of us).
– Availability: Figma is the champion when it comes to platform availability. This tool is built with WebGL, with desktop wrapper for desktop use (like Slack). That means it works everywhere as long as you have a web browser (currently it’s THE screen designer of choice for designer working in Linux)
– Price: if you’re a solo creator, it’s completely free, there’s no limit on the number of project you can have in your account. They only charge if you want to add more than 2 editors to your project, which is completely reasonable.
From the description:
Houdini 17 includes a wealth of new features, including a GPU-accelerated multisolver for cloth, hair, soft bodies and grains, a new white water solver, a material-based destruction framework, facial autorigs, fullbody IK, enhanced animation and modeling workflows, UV autoseaming, GLTF I/O, gamedev tools and much more.
You guys hear that, GPU-accelerated cloth engine! Looks like we won’t even need nCloth or Marvelous Designer in the future. I honestly don’t know how they do it, but every new release blows our friggin’ mind, unlike Maxon’s releases, which takes a lot of concentration to spot the changes. Don’t get me wrong I still very much like Cinema4D, releases are still leaps and bounds better than Autodesk’s bug-ridden products, but it kinda hit a R&D block for a few years now.
As far as Autodesk go, well I guess given their huge market share, they might stay relevant for a few more years, but if you want job security, I’d suggest to jump on the Houdini bandwagon as soon as possible. Houdini 16.5 has been going stable on my Deepin Linux box on first try, while Autodesk Maya took a lot more effort to install, and even by some miracles you manage to get it to run, it wouldn’t last long, a simple graphic driver update (which is absolutely necessary) would break your installation easily. Face it, a company with decades operating in the industry and billions of dollar in the bank, still couldn’t get something as simple as that done, then it’s only a matter of time before people move on to better things.
Get Houdini today! (I’m not even getting paid for promoting it, it’s just that the team over at SideFX is just too awesome)
I just came across Viktor Hertz’s Honest Logos and I’m kinda inspired, I’m thinking of doing a similar series focusing on common brands in Vietnam. But I need some ideas, any suggestion?
Off the top of my head, I got:
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