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The day my world changed forever

13 years ago, I met a this girl.

She was married, but not happily so.

12 years ago, she officially divorced.

10 years ago, she found out she had a unicornuate uterus, which significantly reduce the chances of her ever conceiving a child. But I didn’t care.

8 years ago, we got married.
8 years ago, I entered a marriage, fully expecting to never be a father in this lifetime.

But life can never be predicted.

After hundred of trips to various different clinics, 3 failed IVF attempts and countless shed tears, that girl, my wife, did it.

At 21h30, September 14, 2024. Our baby dragon is born!

Her name is Vu Truc Minh An, known at home as “Capu” after her mother’s favorite espresso-based drink Cappuccino. Her name means “Peace” in Vietnamese, and also is the name of one of the loveliest girls I’ve ever known, a person of limitless positive energy.

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